Abstract Submission Instructions
- The deadline for abstract submission is 25th September, 2024
- Abstracts must be written in English.
- For the abstract title, use the title case. Maximum 225 words in .docx and .pdf format via the online submission system of the conference.
- Authors may send their abstract on any subject related to the spine.
- Usually, only one paper will be accepted from a presenting author for platform presentation. On rare occasions, more than one paper will be accepted, with preference given to authors unlikely to attend many annual meetings. More than one paper may be accepted from an author for poster presentation.
- Please type your paper in English on the Abstract Submission page to ensure there is no confusion on the spelling of names, addresses, titles of abstracts, medical terminology, etc.
- The title should be brief and clearly identify the nature of the study. The complete title should be in CAPITALS. Fill in the name of the author who will present the study ONLY. Do not include titles or degrees. Specify the name and location of the institution where the work was done. Follow the example below:
- The maximum limit for the abstract is 225 words.
- Non-proprietary (generic) names should be used and written in small letters. Proprietary names may be added in brackets.
- Funding support for the research or project should be clearly stated.
- The body of the Abstract should be organized as follows:
- A sentence stating the purpose of the study.
- A brief description of the methods.
- A summary of the results obtained.
- A statement of the conclusions reached.
Special Notes:
- The abstracts will be printed exactly as presented. Abstracts that do not correspond to these instructions will not be considered for presentation.
- Abstracts will not be considered unless accompanied by the presenting author's Registration Form.
- Abstracts will not be considered if previously published or presented at an international scientific meeting.
- Abstracts will not be considered if dealing with non-related subjects.
- Abstracts will not be considered if they do not give data. "Results will be discussed" is not acceptable.
If you do not receive a notification or in case of any difficulties, please contact the Conference Secretariat at [email protected].